What are Cost Code Transfers within Parish and Town Councils

This option exists to move an amount from one code to another.

An example of where this would be used is for a nominal transfer from one budget to another, all internal to the council, where no actual payment out by the council occurs.  A code transfer should be used, and not a payment or receipt transaction.  This will show up in summary reports etc, but not affect the bank or the total expenditure by the council.

A payment transfer will reduce the payments shown against the source (from) code and increase the payments of the destination (to) code. Similarly, a receipt transfer will reduce the receipts shown against the source (from) code and increase the receipts of the destination (to) code. The transfer does not create a payment on one code and a receipt on the other, as this would affect the receipts and payments accounts of the Council.


Cost Code Transfers within Scribe Accounts

Scribe Accounts has a specific transaction type called Code Transfers which enables you to easily transfer from one code to another without impacting the budget. They do not have to relate to any specific transaction, but are available so that activity and budgets can better correspond.


How to Add a Cost Code Transfer

  • Go to Transaction → Cost Code 
  • Click on Edit/Add Record, or the blue plus icon next to ‘Cost Code Transfers’.
  • Enter the date you want the transfer to take place.
  • Enter the amount to be moved.
  • Select whether the amount to be moved relates to a Payment or a Receipt.
  • Choose a code from the drop down list for the amount to be moved from.
  • Choose a code from the drop down list for the amount to be moved to.
  • A unique description can be added in the Comments box to assist when looking up transfers later.
  • Click 'Add’ to finish

The saved transfers will appear in a list format on the Code Transfer page, and will be available in certain reports.

The list will be shown in date order and the description entered in Comments shown against each entry.

  • A code transfer will not create a new transaction as you are not making extra receipts or payments.
  • A code transfer record will be created, but they are not shown as journals because they do not relate to existing transaction records.
  • These transfers will be applied to the codes when you view them or report on them, so that the reports give a truerindication of the actual business of that service.
  • You can produce a list of the code transfers, and can also view the overall position including code transfers as part of the Detailed Cost Centre Report.
  • Your end of year accounts, including the Annual Return, will be based on true cost of service and will take into account the code transfers.

 The entry screen has one section of information to complete which are dealt with below. The asterisk (*) denotes mandatory fields. 



About Tips
Date* coming soon... Select the date you would like the cost code transfer to take place
Amount* coming soon... Enter the amount you wish to be transferred
Payment/Receipt* coming soon... Select whether the amount to be moved relates to a payment or receipt.
From Cost Code* coming soon... Select the cost code from the drop-down list, this is the cost code you wish to transfer from
To Cost Code* coming soon... Select the cost code from the drop-down list, this is the cost code you wish to transfer to
Comment coming soon... A unique comment or description can be used within this box to assist when looking up transfers at a later date


How to Edit a Cost Code Transfer

If you realise an error has been made when a cost code transfer was entered it can be edited to correct it, all fields can be modified.

  1. Navigate to the menu Transaction → Cost Code Transfer.
  2. Bring up the entry screen and the list of transfers.
  3. On the entry you want to edit click on the three dots and 'Edit'.
  4. Make the changes required and click save to confirm

You will see a change history at the bottom of the screen, allowing you to easily track changes made by all users with access to your council’s account.