▶ Why don't the accounts reconcile with the bank?
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Why don't the accounts reconcile with the bank?

If your accounts are not reconciling with the bank, firstly run through the steps below.


Are the Opening Balances Correct?

The opening balances should come from your cashbook as opposed to your bank statement. Ensure these have been entered correctly, and that the total opening balances match the Box 8 figure on your prior year Accounting Statements.

If this is your first year using Scribe, is the difference equal to the value of the unpresented cheques from the previous year that are still yet to appear on the bank statement? If so then this difference is correct - see here for a further explanation on this.

Is the Cashed Date Correct?

Was the correct Cashed Date selected when completing the reconciliation? This is usually the date of the bank statement or the end of the month if the statement crosses over a month. Help on how to correct a cashed date: Correcting Incorrect Cashed Date

When running the Reconcile All Banks report, does the Audit Date match the cashed date against transactions? If, for example, transactions have been cashed to the 1st of the month but you have entered an audit date for 31st of the prior month, Scribe will show all the items cashed to the 1st as unpresented. You may need to update the Audit Date for the report.

Has the Bank Statement Balance Been Entered Correctly?

When running the Reconcile All Banks report, have you also updated the bank statement amount to match the closing balance on the bank statement? This figure must be entered manually and taken directly from the bank statement.

Were There Missing Entries in Scribe?

When you ticked off the transactions against the bank account, were there any on the bank statement that still need entering? If there were, enter them and go through the reconciliation process again in order to pick them up.


In order to check the points above it may be useful to run an Accounts/Any Bank report that shows a list of transactions against a specified bank account. It shows when transactions have been cashed and calculates the value of uncashed cheques and the expected bank statement balance. It shows both opening and closing bank balances for that particular bank account, according to the transactions you have recorded in the accounts.  

See How should I approach looking for a bank reconciliation difference? for a more detailed approach to identifying the reason why the accounts don't reconcile to the bank statement.

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