▶️ Reserve Transfers
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What is a Reserve Transfer within Parish and Town Councils

Reserve Transfers within Parish and Town Councils involve the movement of funds between the general fund and specific reserves. This is done to allocate resources for specific projects or purposes, or to return funds from a reserve back to the general fund when they are no longer needed for the designated purpose.


What is a Reserve Transfer within Scribe Accounts

Scribe Accounts provides a feature to record Reserve Transfers, allowing you to accurately track the movement of funds between the general fund and reserves. This has no effect on the bank accounts or any codes and will show only on the Reserves Report.


Where are Reserve Transfers within Scribe Accounts

Log into Scribe Accounts and navigate to the menu Reserves → Reserve Transfer. Alternatively click here


How to Add a Reserve Transfer

To add a Reserve Transfer log in to Scribe Accounts and navigate to menu Reserves → Reserve Transfer. Click the + icon or Edit → Add Record.

The entry screen has the following information to complete which are dealt with below. The asterisk (*) denotes mandatory fields.  


Date * Select or enter the date of the reserve transfer.
Amount * Enter the amount to transfer. A positive value indicates additional funds being added to the reserve from the general fund. Use a negative value to withdraw funds from the reserve and place it back into the general fund.
Reserve * Select a reserve the money is being transferred to (or from).
Comment   Add a comment or description to help you identify the transfer in the future. This will show on the transfer reserves report
Attached Files   Upload any files relevant to this record.

Click Add to save the record. 


How to Edit a Reserve Transfer

Locate the Reserve Transfer entry you wish to edit, click the 3 dots to the right side of it and click 'Edit' button, make the necessary changes, and then Save the updated information.


How to Delete a Reserve Transfer

Locate the Reserve Transfer entry you wish to delete, click on the 3 dots to the right side of it and click 'Delete' button, and then confirm that you want to delete the entry.


How to Find a Reserve Transfer Record(s)

Navigate to menu Reserve → Reserve Transfer and you will find the quick search and filter options.

See Searching, Sorting & Filtering Records Lists for more details.


How to Find Reserve Transfer Reports

Reserve Transfer Reports can be viewed by navigating to the menu Reserves → Reserves Transfers Reports



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