⚙️ Cost Codes
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Cost Codes - An Introduction

Please note if you have Scribe Lite Cost Centres are pre-set for you and cannot be amended, see https://scribe.getgodesk.com/support/1/en_GB/articles/776 for more details

After setting up the Cost Centres (the main services), you can proceed to add Cost Codes as the further analysis codes beneath them. Your Cost Centres & Codes structure could be set up in relation to committees, but this largely depends on the services your council provides and how the budget and reporting is configured.


How to Add a Cost Code in Scribe Accounts

Navigate to menu Setup → Cost Code and click 'Edit' in the top right corner and 'Add Record'


The entry screen has three sections of information to complete which are dealt with below. The asterisk (*) denotes mandatory fields.  

Field About User tips
Cost Code Number* An ID number assigned to the cost code. Scribe will automatically allocate a cost code number starting from 1 onwards, you can change this if required 
Cost Code* Title of your cost code Enter the name of the cost code (eg hedge cutting)

Cost Centre*

The first tier of analysis, that you wish your cost code to sit beneath Choose the cost centre which the code will sit under


Allowing you to link a cost code and reserve

If the cost centre is to be linked to a reserve you can select this in the drop-down menu, alternatively leave blank if no reserve. 

Balance Brought Forward*

Remaining budget from the prior year that you wish to carry forward

If an Opening Balance against the code is to be shown, enter it here. This generally represents an amount carried forward from the previous year against the code. Note this will only appear in the Net Position report.


Crucial for correct allocation of transactions for annual return

Select if your cost code relates to Capital repayment (Box 5), Precept (Box 2) or Staff (Box 4). This selection will be used in the annual return, if it does not fall into any of these categories it can be left as default.


Any additional notes you wish to add

This a free text box which allows you to add any notes (if required) these notes will be displayed next to the cost code. 

Forecasting Type

Determines how Scribe will show your forecasted figures

You have the option to choose the forecasting type by selecting: no forecasting, use budget, YTD, monthly amount and flexed forecasting. Please click here to see our full help article on Forecasting.

Payment Budget*

Annual payment budget for the cost code

Money expected to be spent against the code (expenditure)

Receipt Budget*

Annual receipt budget for the cost code

Money expected to come in against the code (income)

Once all relevant fields have been completed click Add to save the record and create the cost code.

If you are working through a list of cost codes you may wish to select Add & Repeat as this will save the record but also create a new record that is populated with the next available cost code number and the same details as the previous record for you to amend. It is important to ensure the relevant fields are updated before adding the record. 


How to Edit Cost Codes

Navigate to menu Setup → Cost Codes and click the 3 dots and select 'Edit' from the drop-down menu. Amend your cost code as required and click 'Add'/Add & Repeat'.  Your updated cost code will now show in the list.


How to Edit Cost Codes with Quick Edit Option

This quick edit feature allows you to enter your monthly or quarterly budget without going into each Cost Code individually.

  1. Navigate to the top right of the cost code screen and click on 'Quick Edit'.
  2. The budget input boxes will appear, and the option to add in forecasting will also become available.


How to Delete a Cost Code

Navigate to menu Setup → Cost Codes and click the 3 dots and select 'Delete' from the drop-down menu. 


How to Find Cost Codes

Navigate to menu Setup → Cost Codes and you will find the quick search and filter options.

See Searching, Sorting & Filtering Records Lists for more details.


How to Review the Cost Centre/Cost Code Structure

After setting up all your codes, it's crucial to review the structure, which is easier to amend before data entry against the codes.

  1. Navigate to Summary Reports → Summary Report. Select all Cost Centres and click 'View Report'.
  2. This report will show a breakdown of all the cost centres set up with the cost codes underneath. If budget figures have been entered, these will also be shown in the 'Budgeted' column, and the report's end will provide a total budget for verification.
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