â–¶ Why are my Borrowings not appearing in Box 10 on the Annual Return?
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The total of your council's outstanding loans should appear in Box 10 on the Annual Return (Section 2 - Accounting Statements). If you run the Annual Return on Scribe and Box 10 is blank or the figure is incorrect the following checks should be made:


Do you have data appearing in Borrowings?

  • Go to Year End → Borrowings
  • If there are no records listed then you will need to add some:

New Users of Scribe

If the current year is your first year in Scribe then borrowings records will need to be added:

    • Go to Year End → Borrowings
    • Click + or Edit → Add Record
    • Enter in the details of the loan and click Add to save the record.
    • Repeat for any further borrowings


Existing Users of Scribe with Borrowings data in the prior year

If borrowings exist in the prior year but the current year is blank then the records have not been copied over. To resolve this:

  • Go to Setup → Bring Forward Balances
  • Tick Borrowings and then click Copy 
  • Return to Year End → Borrowings when the records copied from the prior year should now show.  Updates will need to be made to reflect the outstanding balances and any new loans added. 


Data appears in Borrowings but the value in Box 10 is incorrect

The total outstanding amount of all your borrowings will appear in Box 10. The outstanding amount on Scribe is not updated as a result of any loan repayment transactions entered and must be updated manually.  The outstanding amount should be the balance left on the loan as at 31st March.  

  • Go to Year End → Borrowings
  • Click into Edit the record and update the outstanding amount.
  • Save and repeat for any other loans.

💡 When any changes have been made to the Borrowings records check that the Box 10 figure on the Annual Return reflects them. If you're working in Income & Expenditure, you must first run 'Calculate'.



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