The total of your council's outstanding loans should appear in Box 10 on the Annual Return (Section 2 - Accounting Statements). If you run the Annual Return on Scribe and Box 10 is blank or the figure is incorrect the following checks should be made:
If the current year is your first year in Scribe then borrowings records will need to be added:
If borrowings exist in the prior year but the current year is blank then the records have not been copied over. To resolve this:
The total outstanding amount of all your borrowings will appear in Box 10. The outstanding amount on Scribe is not updated as a result of any loan repayment transactions entered and must be updated manually. The outstanding amount should be the balance left on the loan as at 31st March.
💡 When any changes have been made to the Borrowings records check that the Box 10 figure on the Annual Return reflects them. If you're working in Income & Expenditure, you must first run 'Calculate'.