▶ Variations in Circumstance: Different Faiths
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Some faiths require (or prefer) the graves to be oriented in a certain way, for burials to be on their side (which may affect grave capacity) and for burials to take place within a certain period of time. For some, concrete memorial grave covers may be considered essential; for others, no memorials at all are preferred but graves should be protected from being walked on. Standard documents attempt to reflect this, and further research is advised.

If you have a multi-ethnic population, best practice would be to have set aside cemetery areas within which different policies and procedures can be applied.

If necessary create a new cemetery type and cemetery area for a specific religion.

Review your policy to see whether there is any conflict between general lawn cemetery policies and the requirements of specific traditions e.g for memorials

Make sure you record religion against the burial entry and that you instruct gravediggers on the burial notice about funeral timing, family attendance at grave filling etc

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