▶️ Bookings Fees - Best Practice
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The goal of Scribe bookings software is to give customers an experience equal to other modern consumer digital experiences such as Airbnb, or buying something on Amazon.  
However, when working with local councils, we have found that their fees have grown into a complicated structure.  This can be due to many reasons and is only natural if multiple stakeholders have been involved in fee decisions over the years.
Hence, when customers move their booking services onto a modern solution like Scribe bookings, we advise them to review their fee structure, with the goal of greatly simplifying it.  Complicated fees make it harder for booking clerks to manage, and customers to understand and are prone to errors and mistakes.  It also adds a big administration overhead, particular if you want to make changes across the board, such as increasing fees.
We highly recommend you use the opportunity of Scribe bookings to revisit your fees.  With the goal to have 3-4 fees per a bookable asset, such as:
  • Base fee - your most expensive rate, or "commercial rate" per a bookable asset (hall, pitch, kitchen etc...)
  • Discount fee  - discount bands which can be applied to relevant customers. Ideally only 1 or 2 discount bands (such as 25% and 50%).

Adopting this structure will allow you to make your fees far more manageable and understandable.

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