▶️ Inspections & Notices
Created by: Jane Dafforn
Last edited:

Adding and Managing Inspection Records in Scribe Allotments

How to Add an Inspection Record

  1. Navigate to Inspection Record:

    • Navigate to Tenants from the main menu.
    • Locate the specific Tenant for which you want to add an inspection. Click on the three vertical dots at the end of the record and then Add Inspection from the options available.
  2. Fill in Inspection Details:

    • The plot and start date fields will pre-fill based on your selection.
    • Choose an assignee for the inspection, the person undertaking the inspection.
    • Set a due date for any necessary follow-up actions.
    • Update the status of the inspection (options include 'To Do', 'In Progress', etc.).
    • Use the description field to add any further details relevant to the inspection. This information will be included when communicating with the tenant.
  3. Set Inspection Criteria:

    • Respond to set questions about the plot’s condition, selecting 'Yes' or 'No'.
    • Determine and record whether the inspection has passed or failed.
  4. Complete the Record:

    • Click Add to save the new inspection record.

Viewing and Updating Inspection Records

  • To view or update an existing inspection record, navigate to TasksInspections.
  • To modify the record, click on the three vertical dots next to the inspection entry and select Edit. From here, you can change the inspection status and update details as required.

Communicating Inspection Results

  1. Sending an Email to the Tenant:
    • From the inspection record, select the three vertical dots and choose Send Email.
    • The 'To' field auto-fills with the tenant’s email. If no email is present, you'll need to add one. To modify the email address, navigate to CRMAll Contacts.
    • Include CC and BCC recipients if needed.
    • Select a 'Reply to' email address from your account's available emails.
    • The email will use a default template which you can edit to include specific details about the inspection results and any necessary follow-up actions.
    • Click Send to dispatch the email.

Generating and Managing Notices from Inspection Records

  1. Generate a Notice:

    • Go to TasksInspections, find the relevant inspection record, click the three vertical dots, and select Generate Notice.
    • Set a due date and fill in the required actions in the 'Description' field.
    • Click Add to save the notice.
  2. Viewing and Updating Notices:

    • Access notices by navigating to TasksNotices.
    • To update a notice, click on the three vertical dots next to it and choose Edit to modify the status or details as necessary.

This process ensures that all inspections are recorded, managed, and communicated efficiently, helping maintain high standards across your allotment management responsibilities.

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