How can I apply discounts that are not percentage-based to tenant fees in Scribe Allotments
Created by: John Fagan
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FAQ: How to Apply Custom Discounts to Tenant Fees

Q: How can I apply discounts that are not percentage-based to tenant fees in Scribe Allotments?

A: In Scribe Allotments, you can easily apply percentage-based discounts using the fee adjustments feature. However, if you need to give a custom discount, such as a specific monetary amount (e.g., £5), you can manually adjust the fee directly on the tenant record. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Navigate to the Tenant Record:

    • From the main menu, navigate to Tenants to open the list view of all tenants.
    • Find the tenant you wish to edit and click on their name to access their individual tenant record.
  2. Adjust the Price:

    • In the tenant record, locate the Price box. This field displays the automatically calculated fee based on the plot and fee settings.
    • Overwrite the automatically generated fee with the new discounted price you want to apply. For example, if the original fee is £20 and you want to apply a £5 discount, you would change the amount to £15.
  3. Add a Note for Reference:

    • It’s a good practice to keep a record of why and how the original fee was adjusted. Scroll to the Notes section of the tenant record.
    • Add a note detailing the custom discount applied, such as "Applied a £5 custom discount to the annual fee."
  4. Save the Record:

    • Ensure all changes are correct, and then click the save button to update the tenant’s record with the new custom discounted price.

Related reading  How to Track Custom Discounts Across Tenancy Renewals

This method allows you to provide bespoke discounts that cater to individual circumstances, ensuring flexibility in how you manage tenant fees.

For any further assistance or queries about applying discounts, please contact support or refer to our detailed guides in the help section.

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