How Do I Copy Forward Assets to The Next Financial Year in Scribe Accounts
Created by: Jane Dafforn
Last edited:
How to Carry Forward Assets to the Next Financial Year in Scribe Accounts

When managing council finances, it's crucial to ensure that asset balances from the current financial year are correctly brought forward to the next financial year in Scribe Accounts. This guide will walk you through the process step-by-step.

Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Navigate to Setup: Begin by logging into your Scribe Accounts dashboard. Navigate to the setup section of the application. You can do this by selecting Setup from the main menu.

  2. Access Bring Forward Balances: Within the Setup menu, locate and select Bring Forward Balances. This option is specifically designed to manage the transition of financial data from one year to the next.

  3. Select Assets: In the Bring Forward Balances section, you will see various options for different elements of your accounts that can be carried forward. Find the checkbox labelled 'Assets'.

  4. Activate the Carry Forward: Click on the 'Assets' checkbox to mark it. 

  5. Confirm and Save: After selecting the appropriate options, make sure to review your choices to ensure everything is correct. Click the save or confirm button to apply the changes. This will effectively copy all asset balances from the current financial year to the next.

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