The YE (Year End) Summary Report is a comprehensive financial document that encapsulates the Year End financial position of the council. Unlike the traditional Receipts & Payments approach, this report follows an Income & Expenditure method, factoring in adjustments from both the current and the previous year. This makes it a valuable tool for councils to review their year-on-year financial activity and make informed decisions.
In Scribe, the YE Summary Report is designed to provide a detailed breakdown of each cost centre and the associated cost codes. It presents the total budget and the actual income and expenditure for each code, incorporating reversed prior year adjustments and current year adjustments. This helps to determine the total Income & Expenditure position accurately. It aligns with the totals indicated in other Year End reports such as the Working Document and the Annual Return.
To access the YE Summary Report, log into your Scribe Accounts and navigate to the menu Year End (Inc & Expense) → YE Summary Report.
Follow the steps below to generate a YE Summary Report in Scribe:
Once the report is generated, it can be downloaded for offline use or further analysis. Use the 'Actions' button to download to a format of your choice.
Once the report is generated, click the printer icon in the top right corner of the report page to print it.
You can apply filters to the YE Summary Report before generating it for more customised results. By clicking on 'Filter', you can create a cost centre group or alter the display order of the cost centres and cost codes.