⚙️ Financial Years
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Financial Years - An Introduction

For Town, Parish & Community Councils, the financial year runs from 1st April to 31st March. You can create a new financial year at any time within Scribe, and it can be useful to do this around budgeting season in order to enter your draft budget figures for the year ahead.


Creating a New Financial Year 

You can create a new financial year by navigating to Setup →Financial Years.

Select the "+" icon at the top - Scribe will automatically prefill the dates for the next financial year so just select Save.


Navigating Between Financial Years

The financial year you are currently in will be visible at the top of the menu on the left. It will also have a green circle to confirm you are in the current year.

To move into a different year, select the financial year on the menu and choose the year you wish to access from the drop-down.

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