What is the Calculate Function within Scribe Accounts?

In Scribe Accounts, the "Calculate" function is an operational tool that carries out necessary computations. This function updates Year End reports, facilitating the accurate representation of a council's financial state. It's essential to run "Calculate" each time any changes have been made to ensure the Year End reports generated are based on the most recent information.


Where is the Calculate Function within Scribe Accounts?

To access the "Calculate" function, log into your Scribe Accounts and navigate to the Year End (Inc & Exp) → Calculate.


How to Use the Calculate Function within Scribe Accounts

Log into your Scribe Accounts and navigate to the Year End (Inc & Exp) → Calculate.

Click on the "Start" button to initiate the process.

If your accounts do not balance, you will see an error message when you run the "Calculate" function. If this occurs, you need to go back, identify, and resolve the issues. Nonetheless, you can still print off the reports described below to assist in identifying where the problem lies.

Not all changes require a recalculation, but it is a good practice to always run the "Calculate" function before running any reports.