14.1 - Prepare budget proposals comparing income and expenditure for the last, current and next financial year and calculate the next precept.
⚙️ The Budgeting Report (under Budgeting menu)
This gives a 3 year comparison of your budget and actual figures at cost code level. The current year also includes an additional forecasting column to show predicted spend or receipt for the upcoming months.
The precept requirement is simply your expected income (receipt budget) less your expected expenditure (payment budget).
14.2 - Prepare and present an appropriate budget monitoring document to the council.
⚙️ The Summary Report (under Summary Reports menu)
This provides a budget vs actual analysis at cost code level to determine the net position and any over/under spend.
Useful resources:
⬇️ Review our handy budgeting guide
15.1 - Prepare or explain a cash book and bank reconciliation.
⚙️ The Cashbook Report (under Bank Reports menu)
This provides details of all bank and cash transactions from 1st April to a chosen date. The 'Balance' column provides a running total with the closing balance at the date entered.
⚙️ The Reconcile All Banks Report (under Bank menu)
This provides a reconciliation between cashbook balances (Part A) and bank statement balances (Part B) to confirm the figures agree.
The figure should tally up with the cashbook report closing balance when ran to the same date.
'There should be clear evidence of VAT and s137 payments'
⚙️ The VAT List (under VAT menu)
This provides further VAT details of transactions including the VAT type used and the supplier VAT registration number where necessary.
⚙️ The S137 (under List Reports menu)
This provides a list of Section 137 payments - these appear in the report when the 'S137' checkbox is ticked against the payment.
16.1 - Prepare a risk assessment covering all of the council’s functions and showing the importance of insurance.
Useful resources:
⬇️ Free risk assessment templates:
17.1 - Complete a grant application.
Useful resources:
⬇️ Review our handy blogs on grant funding
18.1 - Explain how financial regulations help a council manage risks to public money.
18.2 - Identify the council’s arrangements for internal controls.
18.3 - Identify a council’s regulation for contracts.
18.4 - Explain how the council manages the payment of its employee(s).
Useful resources:
⬇️ LALC Guide for Safeguarding Public Money
⬇️ NALC JPAG Practitioners' Guide
⬇️ Local Government Act 1972 Section 135 - Contracts for Local Authorities https://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/1972/70/section/135#:~:text=(1)A%20local%20authority%20may,for%20the%20execution%20of%20works
⬇️ Local Government Association - Pay Policy and Practice in Local Authorities
19.1 - Whether or not your named council is registered for VAT and if so, why
19.2 - The difference between business and non-business activities
19.3 - The difference between taxable, zero-rated and exempt supplies
19.4 - When it is not lawful for your named council to reclaim VAT
Useful resources:
⬇️ VAT Notice 749 for Local Authorities
20.1 - Explain the purpose and timing of annual audit processes and the duties and responsibilities involved
Useful resources:
⬇️ The Internal Audit
⬇️ AGAR Section 2 - The Accounting Statement
⬇️ Signing & Publication of Documents
⬇️ Mastering Year End: A Guide for Parish and Town Councils