▶ External Helpful Resources
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We have wrapped up some helpful resources to help you navigate the world of Parish and Town Councils! 


JPAG Practitioners Guide

The Practitioners' Guide ('the guide') is issued by the Joint Panel on Accountability and Governance (JPAG) to support the preparation by smaller authorities in England of statutory annual accounting and governance statements found in the Annual Governance and Accountability Return.


⬇️ Download here:



Governance & Accountability for Local Councils in Wales

⬇️ Download here:

Governance & Accountability for Local Councils in Wales - a Practitioners Guide (2019 edition) 


Transparency code for smaller authorities

The Code is a requirement for smaller authorities to make information available for local people to increase democratic accountability.


⬇️ Download here:



Welsh Finance & Governance Tool Kit

Jointly developed by One Voice Wales, SLCC, and the Welsh Government, supported by commentary from Audit Wales, the Finance and Governance Toolkit for Community and Town Councils has been designed to support all councils to meet their statutory responsibilities, have strong financial management and governance, and to deliver the best outcomes for their communities.


⬇️ Download here:



Internal Auditors Forum

A group of sector specialists who have established a network of Internal Auditors across the country and invited other stakeholders who strive to promote continuous internal audit improvement in the Parish and Town Council Sector.

Also providing a directory of internal auditors searchable by region.


⬇️ View here:



NALC Model Financial Regulations

This resource contains easy-to-use templates to assist in the creation of your financial regulations, ensuring they are up-to-date with the latest legislation and regulations.


⬇️ View here (must be a NALC member):


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