▶ How can I add a new bank account opened during the year?
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How can I add a new bank account opened during the year?

Step 1: Add the New Bank Account

  1. Navigate to:
    SetupBank Balances.

  2. In the Bank Balances section, click the Add button to create a new bank account.

  3. Fill in the required details for the new bank account:

    • Bank Name: Enter the name of the new bank account.
    • Opening Balance: Set the opening balance to 0.00.
  4. Click Save to add the new account.

Step 2: Transfer Money to the New Account

Once the bank account has been added, any transfers of funds into this account should be recorded as a bank transfer (and not as a payment or receipt, as this would incorrectly impact your Year-End totals).

  1. Navigate to:
    BankBank Transfer.

  2. In the Bank Transfer section, click Add to create a new transfer.

  3. Enter the details of the transfer:

    • From Account: Select the account from which the funds are being transferred.
    • To Account: Select the newly created bank account.
    • Amount: Enter the amount being transferred.
    • Date: Choose the correct transfer date.
  4. Click Save.

Important Notes:

  • Do not use Payments or Receipts: Using a payment or receipt transaction for this type of internal transfer would inaccurately increase both the receipts and payments totals in your Year-End reporting.



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